You are here: netFORUM Pro Modules > Administration > Administration Module > Managing Multiple Entities

Managing Multiple Entities

If you are an AMS customer and manage multiple entities, you can switch from one entity to another without logging out and logging back in from the Administration module.

Abila Customer Support must set this up for you. See the online help topic Submitting a Case to Abila Support to submit a ticket. Or, you may contact our Customer Support managers directly by calling toll free, 866-623-3629.

There are two ways to move from one managed entity to another: using the entity drop-down menu at the top of the netFORUM Pro interface or via the Administration module under the User Management group item.

The first way to move between managed entities is by using the entity drop-down menu found at the top of the netFORUM Pro interface.

The entity drop-down will contain a listing of all entities managed by a specific user. Clicking on an entity name in the entity drop-down menu will load that new entity in netFORUM Pro.

Abila Customer Support will set up the Managed Organizations drop-down list based on your license contract.

Only users with management rights to multiple entities will see this drop-down menu.

The second way to move between managed entities can be found under the User Management group item in the Administration module.

To move from one entity to another using the User Management group item, complete the following steps:

  1. Hover over the Modules module icon to expand the fly-out menu. Click Administration to open the Administration/Overview page.
  2. Expand the User Management group item and click Select One of Your Managed Orgs.

This will open the Managed Organization Selection pop-up window.

  1. Expand the Select one of your Managed Organizations drop-down menu and click the name of the entity you wish to switch to.

  1. Click the Save button. Your newly selected entity will be loaded in netFORUM Pro. The entity displayed in the entity drop-down menu at the top of the netFORUM Pro interface is the entity you are currently working in.