Using Price Qualifiers for the Membership and Certification Renewal
The Membership Renewal and Certification Renewal processes give you the ability to use price attributes for renewals. If you have a membership or certification renewal program with a price that includes a price qualifier (e.g., member type), when you select that renewal program, the Select Dues Rate Based on Price Qualifier flag will be selected by default. When the renewals are run, they will take into account the prices a customer qualifies for in the renewal.
Note: If there is an individual in the selected renewal group that does not meet the defined Price Qualifiers for the renewal, the process will not create a renewal for them. To identify who the individuals are that may not get an invoice, you will need to run the Renewal Preview report prior to creating invoices and then compare the Renewal Report to the Invoice Report results.
If you want to create renewal invoices for the selected Member Type without using the price qualifiers, clear the Select Dues Rate Based on Price Qualifiers check box and select the Default Renewal Dues Rate.