You are here: netFORUM Pro Modules > Exhibits > Exhibit List Setup > Setting Up Booth Categories

Setting Up Booth Categories

The Booth Category displays as an option in a drop-down list when you add booth inventory from the Exhibit Show Profile. Booth Category can be used to indicate whether the booth is a corner booth (exhibit space with exposure on at least two aisles, end cap (exhibit space with aisles on three sides), or other definition.

To set up a booth category:

  1. Hover over the Modules tab in the top navigation bar. In the fly out menu, click Exhibits.
  2. On the Exhibits / Overview screen, locate the Managing Your Exhibit-Related Information section. Click Setup.

  1. On the Exhibit Information page, click the Booth tab.
  2. Expand the Category child form by clicking the expand button.

  1. In the Category child form, click the Add button.
  2. The Booth Category Information form will appear in a pop-up window.
  3. Enter the Booth Category (required).
  4. Enter booth type Notes.

  1. Click Save . The new Booth Category will appear under the Booth tab, Category child form.