Welcome to Online Help for Abila® netFORUM Pro!
Abila netFORUM Pro is a Web-based application for customer relationship management (CRM), membership management, committee management, event management, accounting, e-commerce, e-marketing, and other association management tasks. We hope that online help will help you to get started, learn how to navigate the system, and show you step-by-step how to use netFORUM Pro to its greatest potential.
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What's New in Abila netFORUM Pro 2015.2
What's New in Abila Abila netFORUM Pro 2015.2
Tip: Click the hyperlinked topic names to view the full help topic or use the Search tab and related keywords provided for each new topic to find similar topics for more information. Using the related keywords to display related or similar topics is useful for increasing your overall knowledge about a topic. Look for updates within topics by finding the NEW in 2015.2 icon.
General Updates
These are the general updates and improvements to the netFORUM Pro 2016.1 release.
Improvements to Donate Now Page
The following improvements have been made to the Donate Now page:
- The address fields in the Billing Information section of the Donate Now page are now required.
- Verification for 'reCAPTCHA' is now required before submitting the Donate Now page.
Editing Miscellaneous Product Prices in the Online Store
Miscellaneous product prices for services and other non-tangible items are now editable in iWeb.
Note: Miscellaneous product prices are not editable eWeb.
Issues Addressed in Abila netFORUM Pro 2015.2
Issues Addressed in Abila netFORUM Pro 2015.2
The following issues are addressed in Build 2015.2.
Tip: Use the number associated with each issue to look up the issue in the Abila Support Portal.
Issue # | Description |
17588 | Refunds sent through PayPal Express now correctly reflect the cancellation fee. (2015.1 hotfix) |
16628 |
Percentage based volume discounts now only apply to items where quantity based qualifiers have been met and not to all items in the shopping cart. |
10344 | Cancelling an invoice with a discount now reverses the General Ledger entry for the discount. |
11565 | Voided over-payments are now removed as credit from customers account after processing a refund. (2015.1 hotfix) |
10833 | Cancelling an invoice, charging a cancellation fee, and crediting the credit card no longer creates a credit or reduces available credit. |
Issue # | Description |
15506 | Tab Order for Design Demographics can now be edited using Microsoft Internet Explorer 9. |
17562 | Fulfillment of subscription issues no longer fail. |
17860 | Adding new users to entities with Security Groups now allows access to the Query Tool after adding the ClientQuery Group Membership. |
17872 | Users are now correctly added to Security Groups. |
Issue # | Description |
10396 | Linking an organization's phone or fax number to an individual now displays the number set as the primary number. |
16474 | Members no longer appear multiple times in the Individual Directory. |
17713 | The CRM Merge and Purge process no longer appears to purge all records selected for processing. |
13126 | City names are no longer incorrectly abbreviated when adding or editing address fields when AVS is enabled. |
12605 | An organization with a linked individual now keeps a modified address when AVS is enabled using the Override Address Validation option. |
12097 | A blank field can no longer display at the top of a multi-select demographic for individuals after manual formatting. |
14464 | Free text now formats correctly when setting up and designing demographics. |
Issue # | Description |
17966 | Response time after clicking 'Go Shopping' has been greatly improved. |
8937 | The mbr_expire_date merge field has been corrected to use the current membership purchase instead of the previous membership purchase for expiration date purposes. |
Issue # | Description |
12876 | A guest is no longer redirected to the event registration wizard after the login prompt when adding a session to a shopping cart if a previous event registration already exists. |
15839 | Ticketed session capacity now calculates correctly when capacity is changed after an initial registration. |
14629 | Demographic fields now display in correct order in Event confirmation emails. |
10317 | The Guests Only Registration Fee now displays correctly when shopping for an event and selecting to bring a guest. |
11362 | The 'Ticketed' check box no longer appears on the session page for free events. |
17754 | Layouts for event confirmations now have better formatting. |
Issue # | Description |
17453 | Individuals receiving benefits from an organization receiving benefits from a parent organization now display in the Individual Directory when EwebIndDirectoryNonMembersDisplayEnabled is not enabled. |
13117 | Updating and saving an organization's profile information now redirects back to the organization page instead of to an individual's My Information page. |
16977 | Organizations added during New Visitor Registration now display correctly in the CRM module. |
16484 | A message now displays when attempting to add an individual that already exists in netFORUM Pro. |
Issue # | Description |
16904 | All fundraising tasks are now performed from the Fundraising module and are no longer available in the Administration module. |
Issue # | Description |
16459 | The 'RedWhiteBlack' theme in eWeb no longer has excess spacing. |
17798 | Adding an image to an E-Marketing message template now uses the correct URL when inserting the image. |
17997 | Amounts collected and distributed to multiple charge codes now correctly round to four decimal places. |
Issue # | Description |
17349 | The online help topic, 'Setting up Certification Program Fees' no longer references an Available Online check box. |
17856 | The online help topic 'Creating a Twitter App for Integration with netFORUM' now lists the correct URL for creation of the application. |
12433 | The online help topic 'Setting up Automatic Notification of Customer Transactions' now explains how to change the EwebTransactionStaffNotificationAddressDetails system option through the eMarketing module. |
Issue # | Description |
10333 | The A/R Transaction by Charge Code report now correctly reports discounts. |
17120 | The A/R Transaction by Charge Code report now correctly shows correct values in the Amt, to Ch. Code column and Balance Due column when an invoice is paid in full. |
12641 | The Exhibitor Booth report now correctly reports cancelled booths. |
12766 | The A/R Transaction report now shows correct balances when payment is made with credit (full or partial) and cancelled, and another payment is added. |
16483 | The Invoice with Balance Due report now shows correct balances for quantities of product that are more than one. |
16810 | The Gift Detail Report by Date Range report no longer shows cancelled donations. |
16873 | The A/R Aging by Charge Code report now correctly shows deductions for discounts. |
13460 | The Cash Receipts Report by Batch report now correctly shows the revenue account information when run with automatic batching. |
12651 | The A/R Aging Detail by Customer report now correctly takes cancelled payments into account when calculating total amounts owed. |