You are here: netFORUM Pro Modules > Administration > Warehouse Setup > Adding a Backorder Notification to Your Inventory

Adding a Backorder Notification to Your Inventory

In addition to setting up a low inventory notification with each of your warehouse products, the BackOrderEmailAddressNotification system option can be set in your E-Marketing system options. This system option allows a staff member to receive an e-mail notification if a customer attempts to purchase a product on eWeb that is not in stock and receives an "out of stock" message. The backorder system option is set on the eMarketing/Overview page, under eMarketing System Options.

Out of stock messages are sent to customers in the following scenarios:

  • The merchandise on the Web Site is completely out of stock. The customer will receive the following error message, seen below, when they attempt to place the item in the shopping cart.

The staff member specified in the BackOrderEmailAddressNotification eMarketing system option will receive an e-mail similar to what is displayed below in that the customer tried to order the merchandise.

Keep in mind that if the merchandise is in your overstock or back-up warehouse, customers can still purchase it but you will not be able to fulfill the order until the item(s) are transferred to the Primary Warehouse.
  • The merchandise is not completely out of stock but the customer attempted to purchase more than is currently in stock. In this example, the customer will be prompted to remove the product from the shopping cart. As in the example above, the staff member identified by the BackOrderEmailAddressNotification system option will be notified so that they can alert the customer when more stock is available