You are here: netFORUM Pro Modules > E-Marketing > E-Marketing Setup > Setting up the Shopping or Payment Confirmation E-Mail Address

Setting up the Shopping or Payment Confirmation E-Mail Address

When you enter Shopping or Payment information for a customer, at the end of the Check Out process you have the option of sending a confirmation e-mail message to the customer indicating that they purchased an item, registered for an event, etc. To set up the address that will automatically populate the From field for the confirmation e-mail, you must set up the ConfirmationEmailFromAddress system option.

You can set up a notification system for your Web Site, so that when a customer purchases a product or pays an invoice or order through the Online Store, a notification e-mail is sent to a designated staff e-mail address. For more information on setting up e-mail addresses for eWeb transactions, see Setting Up Automatic Notification of Customer Transactions.

To set up the "From" e-mail address for confirmation e-mail:

  1. Hover over the Module tab in the top navigation bar. Click eMarketing in the fly out menu.
    The eMarketing Overview page will appear.
  2. At the bottom of the eMarketing Overview page, expand the Emarketing System Options child form.

  1. In the Emarketing System Options child form, locate the system option, ConfirmationEmailFromAddress. Click the green goto arrow to navigate to the ConfirmationEmailFromAddress detail page.
  2. On the ConfirmationEmailFromAddress detail page, click the Edit button.
  3. The ConfirmationEmailFromAddress System Option form will appear. In the System Option Value text box, enter the desired e-mail address. All shopping and payment confirmations will be sent from this e-mail address.
  4. Click Save.
Only one e-mail address can be entered for each system option. Correspondence is sent to the Primary E-Mail address as it is set up in the Phone & E-Mail Information section of the Individual Profile.

When a purchase confirmation is sent, the e-mail recipient receives an e-mail confirmation message followed by a copy of the order confirmation detail. The name of your association also appears under the e-mail confirmation message, above the order confirmation detail.

If custom confirmation headers have been created, these will appear in the e-mail. For more details on purchase confirmation headers and how to create custom headers, please see the help topic: Setting Up Confirmation Headers.