You are here: netFORUM Pro Modules > Exhibits > Exhibit navigation > Navigating to the Exhibitor Profile

Navigating to the Exhibitor Profile

Locate exhibit show profiles using the Find–Show search form. Search criteria may include the show code, title, start date, and end date. If you know any of these search criteria on the show that you wish to find, navigate to it using the steps below.

To find an Exhibitor:

  1. Hover over the Modules tab in the top navigation bar. In the fly out menu, click Exhibits.
  2. On the Exhibits / Overview page, expand the Exhibitor group item and click Find Exhibitor. You can also click the Find Exhibitor link on the Exhibits / Overview page.

  1. The Find—Exhibitor search form will appear. Enter search criteria into one or more of the data fields.

Note: To run a more specific search using Boolean expressions such as "Begins With", "Contains", "Is Not Equal To", and more, click the Advanced Searchcheck box. Boolean search options will appear next to the form fields.

  1. Click Go to perform the search.

  2. The List—Exhibitor page displays.  Click the Go To arrow next to the organization name to access the Organization Profile.