Adding an Award Entry from the Overview Page
When an award entry is received, you can record the award entry information in netFORUM Pro under the appropriate award profile. The Award Profile houses all relevant data on the award entry, including the date the award entry was received, the award name, award category, award entry status (e.g., ”in review”), a description for the award entry, the nominator’s name, the primary contact person’s name, the award year, and whether award fees (if any) were paid.
Award entries can be added via the Awards Overview page or from the Award Profile.
Note: If a fee is charged for each award entry, you should set up a Miscellaneous Product in the Administration module and ”sell” the award entry fee to the customer using the Shopping icon on the customer profile.
Add an Award Entry from the Overview Page
To add an Award Entry from the Overview Page:
- Hover over the Modules tab in the top navigation bar. In the fly out menu, click Awards.
- Click Add an Award Entry.
- The Award Entry Information form will appear. Enter the award entry details and click Save.
- Entry Number : This is a unique, system-generated number that will help you identify individual award entries.
- Received date:
Click the Show Calendar
icon and select the date on which the entry was received.
- Award: Apply the entry to an award by selecting the appropriate award from this drop-down field (required).
Note: If an award has been marked as inactive, it will not be available in the Award drop-down menu.
- Award Category: Indicate the appropriate award category by selecting from this drop-down field. (To add more options to this drop-down field, see: Setting Up the Award Category Drop-Down List.)
- Award Entry Status: Select the status of the award entry from this drop-down field. For example, you could indicate that the award entry was "submitted", "under review", or "won", etc. (To add more options to this drop-down field, see: Setting Up the Award Entry Status Drop-Down List.)
- Description: Enter a brief description of the entry being submitted for the award.
- Nominator: Enter the name of the individual or company nominating the entry for the award in this field. If there are multiple nominators separate their names with a semicolon (;).
- Additional Authors: Record the names of additional authors of the entry, if necessary. The Additional Authors field may be used to track several employees--for example, at an organization being nominated for a Business of the Year award. The Additional Authors field may also be used for a group of individuals who authored a Research Paper that is being nominated for an award.
- Notes: Enter any notes relevant to the award entry and its qualifications for the award.
- Entry Customer:
Click the Lookup
icon to select the name of the individual or organization submitting the award entry. The individual or organization must already exist in the database (required).
- Primary Contact:
Click the Lookup
icon to select the name of the primary contact for the award entry. The contact must already exist in the database.
- Award Fees Paid: Select this check box to indicate whether the entrant has paid necessary award fees (if any).
- Calculated Avg Score: The calculated average score is tallied based on the scores entered on the Award Entry Profile, Score tab. Scores are automatically tallied and divided by the total number of scores submitted.
- Score: Enter a value in the Score field only if you do not want to use the Calculated Avg Score. If this is the case, once the entry has been reviewed by award judges, enter the score in this field.
- Award Winner: If this entry has been selected as the winner of the award, click this check box.
- Click Save.