Reviewing the Messaging Job Sent Statistics
The e-mail tracking statistics display on the Message Profile, Scheduled Jobs & Sent Statistics child form.
Note: If the e-mail message contains images that must be downloaded to be viewed, this may effect your unique click count. For example, if the recipient's e-mail client is set up to block automatic image download, when the e-mail is opened, if the recipient does not manually download the images, opening the e-mail will not count as a unique click. If the recipient manually downloads the images, it will count as a unique click. If the recipient's e-mail client is set up to accept all images, opening the e-mail will count as a unique click.
The Scheduled Jobs & Sent Statistics child forms show the tracking statistics for the Messaging Job:
Note: U = Number of unique recipients of the e-mail message.
- Scheduled Date: Date an e-mail message is scheduled to be sent.
- Scheduled Time: Time an e-mail message is scheduled to be sent.
- Status: Delivery status of the e-mail message.
- Date: Date the e-mail was sent.
- Time: Time the e-mail was sent.
- Total: Total number of recipients on the original recipient list.
- Sent: Total number of e-mail actually sent. (Total number of original recipients, minus the number of opt-outs, missing e-mail addresses, bounced messages, and errors)
- Opted Out: Total number of people on the opt-out list for this message category. These people were opted-out of this mailing list type from their Individual Profile and were already opted-out (unsubscribed) at the time the messaging job was sent (i.e., no e-mail messages were sent to these individuals).
- No E-mails: Number of individuals who matched the query, but do not have a primary e-mail address set up in the system.
- Errors: Number of errors that occurred as the message was being sent. ("Errors" include problems with the mail server settings and availability, bad e-mail addresses, network issues, bad data, etc.)
- Bounce Backs: Number of e-mail that did not reach the destination e-mail address due to a problem with the e-mail address or domain name.
Note: There are two kinds of bounced e-mail messages: hard bounce and soft bounce. Only hard bounces are logged in our system on the Messaging Campaign Profile under Bounce Backs. A ”hard bounce” occurs when the recipient mail server cannot be found due to a non-existing domain name, or if the recipient’s e-mail address cannot be found in the recipient mail server’s directory. Hard bounces are returned immediately. A ”soft bounce” occurs when a recipient’s mailbox is temporarily unavailable (e.g., the recipient's Inbox is full or the mail server is temporarily inactive, etc). A soft bounce does not return immediately. The e-mail remains in a queue until the recipient mail server tries to deliver it again. If the e-mail message is undeliverable after a certain number of attempts (depending on the settings of the recipient’s mail server), the individual sending the message (not the netFORUM system) will receive the bounced e-mail notification. netForum does not track these soft bounces..
- Opens: Total number of times the e-mail message was opened by all recipients.
- U-Opens (Unique Opens): Number of recipients who opened the e-mail message. If a recipient opens the e-mail message more than once, only the first ”open” is counted.
- Unsubscribes: Total number of times recipients ”unsubscribed” from an e-mail message they received by clicking the unsubscribe link in the body of the e-mail message. These people will be opted-out of receiving future e-mail messages of this type. Please note that if one individual unsubscribed 10 times, the unsubscribe count would be 10 because it is the total number of times the unsubscribe link was clicked.
- U-Unsubscribes (Unique Unsubscribes): Total number of times unique individuals clicked on the unsubscribe button after clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of an e-mail message. Please note that two individuals might unsubscribe 20 times, but this number would still show just 2 because it is the number of unique unsubscribe attempts (unique individuals or customers).
- Clicks: Total number of times recipients clicked on a hyperlink contained in the e-mail message.
- U-Clicks: Number of recipients who clicked on a hyperlink contained in the e-mail message. If a recipient clicks on the hyperlink more than once, only the first ”click” is counted.
Tip: It is important to note that Clicks and U-Clicks are only tracked/counted for internal published Abila sites, such as those you set-up for Events, Merchandise, and so forth. Click and U-Clicks to externals sites are not counted in this statistic.