You are here: netFORUM Pro Modules > Exhibits > Exhibitor Contract Management > Cancelling a Booth Assignment

Cancelling a Booth Assignment

(See also, Cancelling an Exhibitor Contract)

To cancel a booth assignment:

  1. Go to the Exhibitor Contract Profile.
  2. Select the Booths tab.
  3. On the Booths child form, click the edit link.

  1. On the Booth Information form, click the Cancel Booth Assignment link.

Tip: You may occasionally have an Exhibitor that prefers a different Booth Number than you have currently assigned. To assign a new Booth Number, you must first cancel the first assignment. You will be prompted to provide a cancellation fee (in the event this is a real cancellation). If you want to simply re-assign the Booth Number without charging a cancellation fee, a way around this is to enter $0.00 for a cancellation fee. Then you are able to re-assign the Booth Number.