You are here: netFORUM Pro Modules > Membership > Dependent Memberships > Membership Dependency Rules

Membership Dependency Rules

There are some rules to keep in mind when dealing with Membership Dependencies. They are:

  • The membership relationship between a Parent and Child is a many-to-many relationship type. This means that a Parent can have several Child memberships and the Child member types can have several Parents as well. Using the example above, there can be one National membership that has several Chapter memberships associated to it.  In turn, some of those Chapter memberships can also be associated to a Professional membership as well that is also parent member type in addition to the National membership.

  • Once a Member Type is already a Child of another Member Type, it cannot then be made a Parent itself. For example, if you wanted to create a SIG Membership as a Child Membership dependent upon a previously created Chapter Membership that is already a Child of a National Membership, you would no longer see the Related Memberships child form under the Dependency tab.

Because the Chapter membership was linked to the National membership as a Child membership, it cannot then be made a Parent membership as well to the SIG.

  • If a current membership is being used or has been sold you will not be able to use it as a Parent Membership or a Child Membership.  You will need to set-up a new Membership to renew and add customers to. Then, as your memberships are ready for renewal, transfer them to the new memberships you have set-up.