You are here: netFORUM Pro Modules > Administration > Online Store Setup > Using the Subscription Set-Up Wizard

Using the Subscription Set-Up Wizard

Similar to the Event Setup Wizard and the Membership Setup Wizard, the Subscription Setup Wizard facilitates setting up a new Subscription.

You can still add Subscriptions manually if desired through Administration > Subscription > Add; the Subscription Setup Wizard is simply a quick way to get started while guiding you through the data needed for quick subscription set-up.

To add a new Subscription using the Subscription Setup Wizard, access the Administration module > Subscription group item > Subscription Setup Wizard.

The Subscription Setup Wizard will appear. Step 1 is displayed below.

As noted previously, the Subscription Setup Wizard functions exactly like the Membership and Event Setup Wizard(s). Complete each step of the wizard filling in each subscription-specific field to quickly add a new subscription.

If you need more information on what each field means, view the online help topic: Setting Up Subscriptions.