Customizing an E-Mail Message Template
Messaging Job Setup Wizard - Step 3
Note: : If you are using the Informz Integration with netFORUM, the Messaging Job Setup Wizard will have a slightly different look and feel. Further, not all steps will be available since some functions are handled by Informz. For more information, view Using Informz for eMarketing.
The Messaging Job Setup Wizard's advanced features give you the ability to customize the e-mail message by copying and pasting HTML provided by the Wizard into your template. For example, you can add a link to your Web pages, a link to your Online Store, or add images of your products.
As with other e-mail message templates, you can upload a graphic for the header of the template to make the e-mail message look like letterhead or a newsletter. You can insert data merge fields that will pull current information from the database (e.g., the individual's name and address). You can use the standard formatting tool bar to change the text font style, size, and color. When you have finished customizing the template, the template is automatically stored in the system and can be re-used in the future.
Note: : You can create a bigger workspace for composing your message by selecting the Full Screen button.
To customize an E-Mail Message Template:
- In the Messaging Job Setup Wizard (Step 2), select either the New E-Mail Template or Use Existing Template option and click Next.
- On the E-Mail Template page, enter the text you want to appear in the Subject line of your message. (Data merge fields can be used in the Subject line, if desired.)
- Select the graphic for the header image or logo from the Header Image list. (Optional) To upload a graphic not in the list, click the Upload button. (See Adding a Template Header)
- Type (or copy and paste) the body text for your message into the HTML Message Body box. If you are using Microsoft Word to create your text, view the Help topic on Creating a Correspondence or Messaging Template in Microsoft Word before copying and pasting your text from Word into the HTML Editor.
- Use the formatting toolbar to format the text (e.g., font style, size, and color). The Abila netFORUM Pro built-in HTML editor automatically creates the HTML code for you behind the scenes.
- You can personalize the message by copying the data merge fields using the Data Merge Fields drop-down list and the Copy to Clipboard icon. Paste (Ctrl + V) the data merge code into the message as appropriate. When the correspondence is sent, the appropriate data will be pulled from the database and merged into the correspondence.
Note: : If you are using an existing template and want to use a different header image, you will first need to remove the header image associated with the existing template.
Note: : To view
the message in HTML, click the Source button.
- If desired, you can use the Wizard's Advanced features to add HTML code from the Web Site Section Links, Web Site Product Links, and Web Site Product Images drop-down lists. See the following help topics for more information.
- When you are finished composing your letter, copy and paste the text from the HTML Message Body box to the Plain Text Message Body box. By creating both plain text and HTML versions of the message, you ensure that all recipients will be able to read the message. The message will display in HTML or plain text based on which message type the recipient's e-mail program supports.
- Enter the name of the template in the e-mail Template Name field. (This is the template name that will display in the Existing Templates list.)
- Click Next to go to the next step in the Wizard.
Next: Setting Up the Messaging Job Information and Message Scheduler.