You are here: netFORUM Pro Modules > Fundraising > Fundraising Setup > Adding a Campaign to a Fund

Adding a Campaign to a Fund

A Campaign is normally a time sensitive fundraising effort designed to meet a specific financial goal by a specific date. You may also add Campaigns to Funds as part of the new Fundraising Module.

To add a Campaign to a Fund, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Add Campaign   button on the Fund Profile action bar. The Add Campaign window will appear.
  1. Enter a Campaign Code (REQUIRED).
  2. Enter a Description of the Campaign such as its purpose.
  3. Enter the Start and End Dates of the Campaign.
  4. Enter the Campaign Goal.
  5. Click the Save button.

The Campaign will appear on the Campaign childform of the Fund Profile once saved.


If you click the Goto  arrow, you will navigate to the Campaign Profile.


You may also Add Notes to a Campaign similar to Adding a Note to a Fund.