You are here: netFORUM Pro Modules > Membership > Member Type (Membership) Setup > Setting Up a Monthly Membership

Setting Up a Monthly Membership

Memberships can be set up to expire on a monthly basis. To set up a monthly membership, complete the following steps:

  1. Hover over the Modules tab in the top navigation bar. In the fly out menu, click Administration.
  2. On the Administration / Overview page, click Add a Member Type.

  1. Complete the steps outlined in the Setting up a Member Type help topic.
  2. Make sure to leave the Calendar Based check box unchecked in order to create an Anniversary-Based Membership.
  3. Expand the Length of Membership Term and select 1 to indicate a one month membership.
  4. Click the Start Membership Immediately check box to start the membership immediately upon purchase.
  5. Complete the information outlined in the Setting up a Member Type help topic for selling the membership online (if desired.)

  1. Click the Save button. This will open the Member Type Profile.
  1. You must add a membership dues rate before the new Monthly Membership will be available for sale. Follow the steps outlined in the Adding Membership Dues Rates help topic for instructions.

For information on purchasing a Monthly Membership, visit the Shopping for Memberships help topic. When purchasing a Monthly Membership, note that the Effective Date will be the date of the purchase, and the Expiration Date will be the end of the current month.