Adding an Organization's Relationship to Another Organization
The Organization to Organization Relationship is the relationship of a parent organization to a child organization. For example, a parent organization might be the Headquarters or Main Office. The child organization might be a Subsidiary, Foundation, or Branch of the Parent Organization. You can add an organization's relationship to another organization from the parent organization's Organization Profile, Relations tab.
To add an organization to organization relationship:
- Navigate to the Organization Profile for the parent company.
- Click the Relations child form tab.
- On the Relationships
to Other Organizations child form, click the Add
button. The Organization Relationship Information pop-up window will appear.
- In the Organization
Relationship Information window, enter the first few letters
of the child organization's name and click the lookup
button to select the child organization from the organization list (required).
- Select a Relationship Role from the drop-down menu (required). (For more information on adding relationship roles to the list, see Setting up the Organization to Organization Drop-Down List.)
- If necessary, enter the Start Date and End Date for the relationship.
- Click Save.
The new child relationship will appear under the Relationships to Other Organizations child form on the parent organization profile screen.
Note: The relationship is also displayed on the child organization's profile screen, under the Relations child form tab, under the Relationships from Other Organizations child form.