You are here: netFORUM Pro Modules > CRM > Individuals > Updating an Individual List to Deceased Status

Updating an Individual List to Deceased Status

Update several individuals to deceased status simultaneously by using a list generated through a query. To update several individuals to deceased status at once, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose a query from Query Central (or create your own) that will generate the return or List page you desire. For example, choose an Individual query that can be modified or run to return data in a List for individual data such as the Individuals by Organization Name query.


  1. A List is returned with the records that meet the criteria defined in the query parameters. Use Select Mode with the List to further modify which records will be affected by your Action by selecting the appropriate check boxes.

  1. Note that an Actions menu on the top portion of a List page will detail what batch Actions may be performed on a List that has been generated by query results. As noted in prior builds, only Actions that are available for specific queries will be available.  For example, Subscription actions will not be available on List pages generated by Membership queries. Added this build, you may select to Mark as Deceased those individuals selected through select mode (or the entire List) through the Actions menu when you generate individual results through a query.


  1. Selecting the Mark as Deceased hyperlink will prompt the Mark as Deceased window. The task will set the attended flag for all the selected registrants in the List when the Process button is selected.

Tip: Scheduled processes will take 10 to 15 minutes to complete or, finish behind whichever tasks are in the Scheduled Jobs queue, whichever is first.