You are here: netFORUM Pro Modules > Accounting > Payments > Processing Declined Credit Cards and NSF Checks
Processing Declined Credit Cards and NSF Checks
When processing payments in netFORUM Pro, you may encounter declined credit cards or Not Sufficient Funds (NSF) checks that have been declined by the bank. A further scenario is that the credit card payment may be disputed. The following processes are suggested for handling all scenarios when they occur in netFORUM Pro.
Processing a Declined Credit Card
- If a credit card is declined the payment process will not complete and check out will not be allowed.
- Verify the credit card number was entered correctly as well as all other card information (name, billing address, and so forth). For more information on why the credit card may be denied, view the Why Am I Getting an Error Message When I Try to Process a Credit Card Transaction help topic.
- If the card information is correct and it is still correct, another card should be used.
- If you need to add an administrative fee such as a returned check fee, follow the steps recommended on Adding an Insufficient Funds Fee to an Invoice help topic. Note that you should sell an administrative miscellaneous product at the same time you add the new payment if needed so the one payment can be applied to both orders (the original unpaid order and the new administrative fee).
Processing a NSF Check
- You should void the payment if the batch is open and cancel it is the batch is closed.
- To cancel, go to the payment profile, and click Cancel Payment. Make sure you deselect the Credit Payment option since this is for a NSF check. View the help topic Canceling a Payment without Creating a Credit topic for details.
- For both scenarios, to create an administrative fee such as a returned check fee, follow the steps recommended on Adding an Insufficient Funds Fee to an Invoice.
Processing a Disputed Charge on a Credit Card
- In this scenario, the credit card was approved and charged however the customer has later disputed the charge.
- The association desires to reverse the entry in netFORUM Pro.
- The correct process is to then Void the credit card payment which will refund the charge back to the credit card. View Voiding a Credit Card Payment.