Adding and Editing Web Site Page Content
On the Content tab of the Web Site Editor, you can add, edit, and delete Web site sections and their associated Web pages using the Web Site Content directory tree. After your site has been set-up for the first time using the Web Site Wizard, you may also add or edit a baseline section using the Add Baseline Section button. Also, you may also reorder and hide the content displayed on a Web site page using the Page Content tab.
Note: In order for the content sections and Web pages to show on your Web site, you will need to create the links for the navigation bar using the Navigation tab.
Some important items to observe about the Content tab:
When you add a custom section or page to the directory tree, you do not have to click the Save button on the content page. (However, if you add or edit the content area of the page, you must click the Save button.)
The sections in the directory tree are in alphabetical order. They are not in the order that they will appear on your Web site. That order is determined on the Navigation tab.
The Web Site Header and Web Site Footer that appear at the top of the directory tree are technically not sections. However, the content for both the header and footer can be modified from the Content tab.
Clicking the
next to a section name expands the directory tree list so that you can see the Web pages in that section.
Clicking the
button collapses the directory tree list so that you don't see the Web pages in the section.
Use the HTML Content tab to modify the simple text instructions on your page. Use the Page Content tab to reorder and even hide page sections. How to reorder and hide page sections is explained in detail on the Reordering and Hiding Web Site Page Sections help topic.
There are some standard Web pages (i.e., system pages) that cannot be deleted. Examples of system pages include the Change Password, Forgot Password, Login, Login Required, New Visitor Registration, and Verify Registration Status pages. You will recognize the system pages by the grayed out delete icons. You will not be able to change the name of the system page in the directory tree, however, you will be able to change the Page Title and edit the Page Content.
The Add Baseline Section button provides access to edit the baseline sections, such as My Events or My Committees, that are packaged with netFORUM Pro.
To add or edit sections or pages, consult the following icons for reference:
Section/Page: Click the pencil icon to edit a section or
page's content.
Section/Page: Click the delete icon to delete a section or
page. If it is gray, you may not remove the specific section or
Add Page: Click the
add page icon to add a page to the section you have selected.
Log-In: If this icon is next to a section or page, the Pages Require Login (for Sections)
or Require Login (for Pages) check
box have been selected during editing. This means the content will
not be accessible unless the member is logged in to your site.
Members Only: If this icon
is next to a section or page, the Members
Only Access check box has been selected. This means that
only customers with valid memberships will be able to view the content.
Custom pages can be deleted and will have a red delete icon next to the Web page name. If you accidentally delete a page, you will not be able to recover the data either through the Web Site Wizard or through Abila Support. You will have to recreate the page, as well as all of the content and links, that once existed within the deleted page.
To add or edit Web page content:
In the Web Site Content directory tree, click on the Web page name.
Use the HTML Content tab to edit default text on the page, normally user instructions. Use the Page Content tab to reorder and hide sections of page content. How to reorder and hide page sections is explained in detail on the Reordering and Hiding Web Site Page Sections help topic.
Edit the page content in the large text box under the Page Title field.
Note: Clicking the Full Screen button provides a larger work space.
To format the page text:
Use the tools on the text formatting bar (bold; italic; underline; indent; left, center, right justification; bulleted lists; numbered lists; copy; cut; paste; paste from MS Word; add line; add hyperlink).
- You may create your content entirely in Microsoft Word and use the Paste from Word button to enter it in the Web Site Editor. See Creating a Correspondence or Messaging Template Using Microsoft Word for more information.
Click the Source
button to display the HTML code behind the text. You can also use this view to enter HTML code directly. To see what the text will look like on the Web site (in WYSIWYG - what you see is what you get - mode) click the Source
button again.
Click Save to save the page content. (If you don't Save the content before you leave this tab, the information will not display on your Web site! If you are the Site Administrator for your entity, you may edit content in real-time through Web Master Edit mode .
Note: Mac users will need to Enable the Mac HTML Editor to use the formatting tool bar and HTML editing options on the Content tab.
Most all of the pages on your Web Site can be modified to fit your Association and customer needs; specifically in the areas of E-Commerce and My Transactions. Notice, for example, that in the image below several pages have been added to the Checkout page in the E-Commerce section and that they can now be edited. Checkout, Group Registration Pages, Shopping pages, and the ability to customize the Event Registration Wizard text have been added to E-Commerce for editing as well.
Additional customization pages have been added to the My Transactions section as well. The benefit of providing these additional options is that you can now customize all messages and instructions to your Customers on eWeb.